Afaf Saliba Jaafar (NIH/NCATS/TL1 Translational Science Training graduate) knows firsthand the importance of improving the quality of life for those suffering from challenging medical conditions. Her 12-year-old son Brandon Jaafar has severe autism.
“The discovery of therapeutics is indeed a lengthy and complex process,” she said. “Families with loved ones suffering from a certain disease often feel a sense of urgency driven by a desire to improve their family member’s quality of life — which affects the whole family’s dynamics.”
Translational Technology Resource (TTR) Award Apply Today!
The Institute for the Integration of Medicine & Science (IIMS) is now accepting applications for Translational Technology Resource (TTR) awards to support genetic analyses at the single-cell level. The proposed research must have relevance to clinical and/or translational science.
Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Proposals received on or before the 15th of a given month will be reviewed by the 15th of the following month.
Accelerate Translational Research We want your feedback and input!
The NIH funded Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) at UT Health San Antonio aims to improve the efficiency, quality, and impact of the process for conducting clinical research at the institution. The CTSA team in collaboration with the VPR's Office are working to understand current gaps in research support needed by our investigators and study teams and we want your input as we prioritize improvements. What research support services are working well, which ones need improvement, where are the gaps? By research support services we mean skilled people, technology, and processes needed to assist you with accomplishing, managing, and providing oversight for your clinical research projects. Be part of the solution for disseminating innovations that can accelerate translational research at the institution by completing our brief 4 question survey here. Survey will close at the end of the year.
Southwest National Primate Research Center (SNPRC) Pilot Research Program Call for Applications - 2024 Competition
The SNPRC Pilot Research Program provides opportunities and support for investigators to use SNPRC nonhuman primate resources in highly focused, short-term studies with a high likelihood of enhancing the value, utility, feasibility and attractiveness of nonhuman primates for biomedical research.
High priority is given to studies that propose to generate preliminary data for applications to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to support future research projects. Other studies that are considered responsive to the program’s goals include those that propose to develop new nonhuman primate models of disease, or develop and/or test new research methods, instrumentation or approaches for biomedical research using nonhuman primates.
Information on the 2024 SNPRC Pilot Grant Program competition, including due dates for letters of intent and completed applications, can now be found on theSNPRC website
Important Dates/Timeline:
Submit Letter of Intent (LOI) - January 12, 2024 Notification of Approval to Submit Application - January 19, 2024 Submit Completed Application - February 23, 2024 Decision Letters Sent - March 22, 2024
DOM Clinical and Innovative Therapeutic Award Pilot Program Request for Applications
To stimulate a culture of research and academic inquisitiveness, the DOM has allocated funds to support pilot projects that will lead to the submission of more competitive applications for extramural funding. This funding opportunity supports the DOM Strategic Plan.
We invite the submission of applications for pilot studies to collect preliminary data in preparation for submission to NIH and other extramural funding sources requiring preliminary data. Clinical trials and novel therapeutic ideas are encouraged. Investigator-initiated clinical trials for understanding pathophysiology, biomarkers or therapeutics are encouraged as well as basic science studies to develop or test a novel therapeutic for disease indication relevant to the Department of Medicine.
Investigators whose primary faculty appointment is the Department of Medicine may request a budget of up to $20,000 for a one-year project period (no F&A/indirect costs will be reimbursed). Research Pilot Projects must offer the potential for future support from extramural agencies, such as the NIH, NSF, DOD, PCORI or foundations.
Translational Science Interagency Fellowship (TSIF) 2024 Applications due January 15, 2024 by
Applications are now being accepted for a unique 3-year postdoctoral fellowship, offered jointly by NCATS and the FDA. Fellows train at both the NCATS internal research labs and the Food and Drug Administration, and develop their skills in both preclinical translational science and regulatory science.
Seeking Applications for the Third Cohort of NCATS/FDA Translational Science Interagency Fellowship – Applications due January 15, 2024
The Translational Science Interagency Fellowship (TSIF) is a postdoctoral fellowship opportunity developed by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Fellows will be jointly mentored by NCATS and FDA scientists on a research project of mutual interest to both organizations. Fellows in this program will develop skills of value to future careers in academia, the pharmaceutical industry, and government.
Community Engagement Small Project Grants Now Accepting Applications!
The Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science (IIMS) and the UTSA College for Health, Community, and Policy (HCaP) are seeking proposals for one-year Community Engagement Small Project Grants. Our goal is to promote, develop, and expand community and academic research partnerships for the translation of science from basic discovery to clinical practice, to public health benefit.
Funds may be used to develop or expand collaborative projects in one or more of these areas:
Community-engaged research or assessment
Education or training
Dissemination of research results, program features, or policy implications
Applications are due on March 1, 2023, at 5pm. To read more about this grants program, goHERE
Program Project Pilot Funding Request for Applications
The LSOM Office for Research is pleased to announce a Request for Applications (RFA) that are exclusively focused on developing Program Project Grant Applications!
The RFA’s purpose is to support application development for NIH Program Project Grant submissions with up to $100,000 in pilot funding. Pilot funding will be available up to one-year, and an end goal of Program Project grant submission within 9 months post funding support. The research proposals should identify 4-5 Program Project investigators including the Program Director and 3-4 Cores that will be part of the Program application. The pilot projects should clearly identify well integrated teams, subject matter expertise, current extramural funding, and NIH agencies that support Program Projects.
All applications are due March 1, 2024.
The Office for Research’s Assistant Dean for Research, Dr. David Gius, will offer grant editing and review to assist with final submission. Please share with your faculty and review the details in the RFA. Connect with Chris Valdez, PhD at for any questions or clarifications.
Bexar Data Dive Free Community Resource
Bexar Data Dive is a free community resource you can use to explore local data on topics like health, education, economics, housing and more!
- Search for data by county, census tract, ZIP code, or a new geography called Statistical Small Area (SSA).
- Break out that data by race/ethnicity, age group, and sex.
- Use our simple to more complex tools in English or Spanish.
- Easily download and share charts, maps and tables with your data findings.
As a local data nonprofit, it’s our goal to help our San Antonio community understand and use data effectively to promote positive change. FREE virtual and in-person training supports, including data literacy courses and more tailored training programs.
For more infromation
Upcoming Events
Town Halls for Upcoming Research Funding Opportunities Register Now!
PCORI is hosting several virtual town halls in January for you to learn more about the research PCORI Funding Announcements (PFAs) opening January 9, 2024. Join us to hear an in-depth review of the PFAs and learn more about submitting responsive Letters of Intent (LOIs). Take advantage of this opportunity to make your next LOI submission the best it can be!
F-Troop is a hands-on writing workshop that targets pre- and postdoctoral trainees who are preparing an application for a fellowship award (e.g., F30, F31, or F32). Equivalent fellowship applications to other funding agencies are also encompassed by this program. This program is virtual and occurs every Wednesday from 5:00PM-7:00PM beginning January 10, 2024.
The Entering Mentoring workshop series whose goals are to introduce effective strategies for successful mentoring to trainees and to foster a mentoring ethos in them. Four consecutive weekly modules explore proven approaches to the development and enhancement of effective mentoring relationships that includes diversity-sensitivity training.
2024 January - February Series Mondays & Fridays 4:00PM-6:00PM
Every year, the Community Service Learning (CSL) Conference structures a learning experience that combines community service with explicit learning objectives, preparation, mentorship and reflection. This year, our agenda is packed with opportunities to:
Learn from health and climate warrior, and our keynote speaker, Teddie M. Potter, PhD, RN, FAAN, FNAP, clinical professor and director of planetary health at the University of Minnesota School of Nursing.
Immerse in a community-led art exhibition and explore student community projects.
Mingle with community partners, health care professionals and more.
For event questions or concerns, please contact the Charles E. Cheever, Jr. Center for Medical Humanities and Ethics at
2024 Texas Use Symposium (TxSUS) Register Now!
The 6th annual Texas Substance Use Symposium or TxSUS (pronounced "Texas") will be held in-person and virtually on Feb. 29 - March 1 at the Double Tree Hotel in Austin, Texas! There will be ample learning opportunities and engaging discussions, all centered around the theme, Science Matters: Accelerating Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices.
TxSUS convenes over 700 health care providers, behavioral health professionals, peer recovery support specialists, researchers, policymakers, public safety professionals and many others to collaboratively identify substance use challenges and solutions. TxSUS registration is free and includes continuing education workshops, panel discussions and networking opportunities with national and Texas-based substance use disorder experts. To register for TxSUS 2024, visit!