IIMS 14th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day
Call for abstracts!


This is a call for abstracts for the 14th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day. We would like to showcase posters that illustrate either completed or ongoing research projects in Translational Science. We welcome submissions from UTHSCSA and UTSA, as well as all IIMS/CTSA partnering organizations. $500 Domestic Travel/Educational Awards will be given to the winners.

Event Date: Wednesday, April 24th, 2024

Abstract deadline: Friday, March 29th, 2024
Register here: https://redcap.uthscsa.edu/REDCap/surveys/?s=NPLJCY99RNDP8RFK
If you have any questions email IIMS-CTSA@uthscsa.edu