Congratulations Neelam Mukherjee, PhD a KL2/K1 CTSA mentored research career development awardee in her second year. Dr. Mukherjee received an award from the American Cancer Society (ACS) for her project entitled CCL2 nitration in CCL2-mediated bladder tumor protection.
2023 IIMS Community Engagement Hero Award Now taking nominations by
The IIMS is seeking nominations to recognize outstanding individuals who have worked as part of a community campus partnership (between a community group and a UT Health San Antonio or UTSA research team) for the improved health and well-being of South Texas communities.
Award categories include: -Outstanding Student Award -Outstanding Community Partner Award -Outstanding Research Partner Award -Outstanding Community Health Improvement Project
One award per category. Awards will be presented during the 2023 Community Engagement Symposium
Selected awardees receive a $500 domestic travel award to be used for a future meeting or conference.
Seminars in Translational Research (STRECH) Join Us! by
Harnessing astrocytes' unique potential to treat brain injuries
Presented by James Lechleiter, PhD
Professor, Cell Systems and Anatomy Director, Optical Imaging Core Facility Co-Director, Center for Precision Medicine Co-Director, SABER, IRACDA K12 Program UT Health San Antonio
Friday, November 10th
Virtually from 9:00AM - 10:00AM For information on how to participate in the seminar please head to
2023 IIMS Community Engagement Symposium Save the date by Elisabeth de la Rosa (
The IIMS is pleased to announce that we will host our2023 Community Engagement Symposium on Saturday, December 2nd at the Neighborhood Place. This free in-person event is open to community members, healthcare practitioners, researchers, and students!
Plenary Speakers Dr. Linda Cottler – University of Florida
Dr. Irvin PeDro Cohen – Local Initiatives Support Corporation – Jacksonville, FL
Our goals are to showcase current projects within different phases of the translational spectrum for possible future collaborations; (2) to identify methods for engaging the community in all phases of research; and (3) to build the capacity of community members and researchers interested in community-campus partnerships.
The 2023 Frederic C. Bartter Visiting Professor Lecture at Medical Grand Rounds Join Us! by Kathlynn Wray (
The Bartter Lecture at Medical Grand Rounds
“Clinical and Translational Science Workforce Development: Strategies for Uncertain Times”
Presentation by Emma Meagher, MD
Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology at the University of Pennsylvania, the Senior Vice Dean for Clinical and Translational Research, and Senior Associate Vice Provost for Human Research
Wednesday November 15th from 8:00am-9:00am
UT Health SA - MED 409L-410L Contact Kathlynn Wray ( for virtual option details and for any questions.
Aging Well Conference Join us! Free Event! by Sophia Martinez (
Aging Well Conference
Learn about Parkinson's Disease & How to Age Successfully (Caring for Ourselves, Families & Community) Free Food - Bingo-size - Door Prizes - Lots of fun for all!
Special Guest Speakers: Dr. Sara Masoud, PhD, MPH Dr. Anjali Sivaramakrishnan, PT, PhD
Saturday, November 4, 2023 10:00AM-2:00PM
The Neighborhood Place
3014 Rivas St. Cafetorium San Antonio, Texas 78228