NIH NCATS E-Newsletter: February 2024

Mike's Blog

So, where do we stand now with regards to the federal budget? Last week, we saw much in the way of machinations and possibilities. We have now transitioned CRs throughout FY24 from months to weeks to now days. As you will recall, prior to last week, the USG was operating under two continuing resolutions with drop dead dates of 3/1 and 3/8. NIH was included in the later date. The shift results from perceived progress towards passage of actual appropriation bills (six to be specific).
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Spotlight Story

In the latest NCATS Director’s Message, Dr. Rutter talks about unlocking the power of data for accelerated health solutions. She discusses how NCATS utilizes innovative approaches, investing in data science and informatics to connect, access, and learn from complex datasets. Continue reading to see how NCATS employs bold approaches and team science for more efficient translational research.
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