Program Project Pilot Funding
Request for Applications

The LSOM Office for Research is pleased to announce a Request for Applications (RFA) that are exclusively focused on developing Program Project Grant Applications!  


The RFA’s purpose is to support application development for NIH Program Project Grant submissions with up to $100,000 in pilot funding. Pilot funding will be available up to one-year, and an end goal of Program Project grant submission within 9 months post funding support. The research proposals should identify 4-5 Program Project investigators including the Program Director and 3-4 Cores that will be part of the Program application. The pilot projects should clearly identify well integrated teams, subject matter expertise, current extramural funding, and NIH agencies that support Program Projects.

All applications are due March 1, 2024. 


The Office for Research’s Assistant Dean for Research, Dr. David Gius, will offer grant editing and review to assist with final submission. Please share with your faculty and review the details in the RFA. Connect with Chris Valdez, PhD at for any questions or clarifications.