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Institute for Integration of Medicine & Science

The Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science’s (IIMS) mission is to integrate clinical and translational research and career development across all University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio schools and among our diverse public and private partners in South Texas.

Transforming Knowledge into Improved Healthcare

A Partnership to Improve Health

The Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science’s (IIMS) mission is to integrate clinical and translational research and career development across all University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio schools and among our diverse public and private partners in South Texas. Clinical research studies are conducted with the participation and collaboration of human volunteers. Translational research studies move basic science discovery to patient-based applications and then out into clinical practice with the ultimate goal of human health improvement. Simply put, the IIMS will reduce barriers to research and stimulate the transformation of knowledge into improved health care.

IIMS 15th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day
We would like to showcase posters that illustrate either completed or ongoing research projects in Translational Science. We welcome submissions from UTHSCSA and UTSA, as well as all IIMS/CTSA partnering organizations. $500 Domestic Travel/Educational Awards will be given to the winners.
ABSTRACT DEADLINE: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Click here for more information. 

Trial Innovation Network

A new collaborative initiative with the CTSA Program to support innovation in multi-center clinical trials and studies.

Learn more here

perry and ruby parkinsons disease logo

The overarching goal of the Perry and Ruby Stevens Parkinson’s Disease Center of Excellence is to accelerate Parkinson’s disease (PD) research in South Texas, build a community of PD scholars, and serve as a lightning rod to stimulate further growth in this area of science and medicine for our city and region.

More information