Feature Article
For health and hope

For years she drifted in and out of the juvenile justice system, homeless, lost. Then a team of nurses offered her a lifeline and something she never had before—hope.

Locked in

Some children narrowly escape the horrors of drowning only to face another suffering: paralyzed, locked in. New studies provide insight into the extent of such brain injuries.

Dear doctor, get well soon

The specter of physician burnout, depression and suicide leads to change in training future doctors.

Spice it up

A little ginger, nutmeg, turmeric and cinnamon can go a long way toward improving your health. A new cookbook aims to help you live longer.

Game your way out of pain

Ever tried to make exercising more bearable by listening to music? If so, you already know distraction techniques work. They may also hold the key to managing chronic pain.

Noah's FLASHY new hand

Noah wants to be super-fast, just like his favorite superhero, the Flash. A new 3-D printed hand is giving him a boost.